Friday, October 9, 2009

Indian Individuality

Hi All,
I have been thinking about this from last few days. As in last few days i have met people from a special category to which many Indians belong. I have met many like them.. (i am not quiet sure if i belong to this specific category, please do post a comment if i am so.). Many of us [Indians, from now on i will be saying we for Indians and I for myself in this blog] don't even think about their own existence in this world. What they are doing what they should be doing. We people usually take cover of a group to which we are a part. whatever that group think we think, whatever that group like we like, whatever that group feel we feel. Where is the our own individuality??

When we will become mature enough to take our own stand. What WE like, we like! no matter anyone else like or not. I have seen and often get irritated with people who can't even say few words for their own will, wish and likings. Many of this kinda person always try to be in a group. They always speak when they are in a group who back them. Here one shouldn't take a wrong note that i don't like to be in group. I always had a big group of frds around me since college. Since i have started working i got few really good frds. But the point i want to make is i never try to follow what my mates are liking until i like that too. One can face these kind of followers very easily.
First sign of this kind of followers is [Please cross check you might be in that category also], they are much quiet when they are communicating with you one on one.
Second these fellows follows jackals who speak in chorus, meaning they try to back each other for anything, whatever one of them has said. Without even having a clue what they are trying to backup. ok ok sometime they have an idea whatever they are trying to backup is wrong! But still they do backup it because later sometime in future they might need this backup to speak up.
[Update on 31st Oct'09]
Third After finishing the statement they ask "Kyun sahi kaha na", "Achcha tum kho galat to nahi kaha na" to their group members.
Rest i leave on you fellas to write in on comments... if you can figure out the ones what i have already.

Ok now why i have been thinking about this so seriously? Good question !.. actually i really feel bad when i realize that i am living in a country which has world's second largest population and still we people have to look at other countries for world's best in any field. Ya i know i am being harsh.. we have some really good talent in India but still we are not the best in many fields where we can. For being the best we need to change our thinking. We need to start putting faith on our self. This is about being the one not someone. I guess many of my reader might have got what i wanted to share from this blog.... Please do post what you feel about it


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. No Comment Yet. I m surprised. Whatever...I think it may be a big issue to debate on it. It may be the education system, family structure or the nature of our society behind, if a person don't have his/her individuality. if we meet a group of 100 different people, I strongly doubt if more than 5 persons are clear what they have to do in their life, what they have to achieve in life. Most of the persons are followers, who just follow their elders or friends. Try to figure out the answer.. but most importantly try to figure out ur own individuality.If u hv any individuality than u r lucky. It's not for any one person but for all. One of the most important thing is to have ur own Identity, ur own Individuality.
