Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Encounter with snow [Episode 2]

Ram wanted to go by walk and see what's blocking the road. So we started walking but after not more than 10 or 20 meter i relaised this is foolishness and i told ram to walk back. Ram took this seriously and agreed with me and we headed towards bike. now Because of mud we were not able to move bike back but somehow after 5 minute we were able to rotate bike 180 degree and we were heading back on the track towards karsog. We were tired hungry but if we would have stopped we couldn't have reached karsog on same day. Point to be noted we had breakfast at around 9:30 in morning and since afternoon we are hungry & riding. Now on this way back to karsog i was on rider seat. I was having only one aim reach karsog before it even get drak [Main reason was we were having very less money to afford food and accomodation]. I started riding bike at 3:30 Ram was riding bike from 8:30 in monring and he was tired enough to not on rider seat. It took me 5 hours to reach karsog and i didn't stopped at any place just to reach karsog ram was asking me to stop to loo. But i just kept asking him to hold on till karsog. Finally we reached karsog at 8:30 and everything was at halt. Very rear shops were open. Some how we we got few person on road to ask about accomodation. While asking the hotel we again fallen down. This time my knee doesn't supported me and i couldn't support bike while it was on halt. I start blaming ram for this fall but i knew this was sole my fault. Anyway ram didn't reacted harsh [Later in hotel i confessed ram that was my fault].
     Sooner we reached karsog we withdrawl enough money for the trip and kept that with us. Later we found a costly hotel (according to locals rent was 500/- very nice room but it's costly). There we saw that there is pipe unjoint at one end hanging from bike. Trouble again but we left that on morning task and went for dinner. I purchased few warm clothing which really helped me. We got nice food in hotel and slept nicely.
     Next morning 6'0 Clock we started our journey towards manali via sundernagar and kullu. We drove for hours but during this ride we saw very beautiful nature we saw jungle. So many curved roads. We were so in touch with curved roads that when we got straight road we were riding on speed of 30-40 only. Later we realised we can go on some high speed. Around 1 we reached mandi. Which was only 110 Km from Karsog. We had lunch and again started the trip. We encountered very beautiful road ahead very sencenic. Beas River was adding more charm to this road
. There was an 2-3 Km tunnel in between which was also a great pleasure to ride on. While driving we stopped just before kullu to swith the rider. That time ram told me take a look on road sode snow
. Now as ram was on rider seat he started to get bad road and he was not so happy to ride on. But there was no other way. After some 10-15 mintue ram applied a sudden break while i was enojoying the nature without any clue that ram is going make a sudden fall. I just managed to jump before we fall again. Within seconds we managed to get bike on wheels again and riding back on road :). Ram was pissed off by now as few junkyard eligible trucks was fooling around on road. Finally off there this and that we reached to manali. And i tell you ram was back in full "Josh" as he was heading towards rohtang pass. Which didn't said anything but we took stopped to see manali natural beauty
          Now ram was riding with aim of rohtang pass which i was not in accord but i didn't told him. We saw some really bad roads and this was nearly 4 after noon. i was worried about night stay. Ram was riding with his aim then later saw some really bad road where we were not able to move
. Indian Army was on work to make it clear. some people were in hurry
. But we utilized this time to enjoy the nature
. We headed again on roll. Reached to shilong. This was the real natural beauty which were aiming for. Now this was satisfying this much long journey
. We  reached to the place where snow games were going on. People were enjoying the sking and paragliding. Some couple were happy with snow only. anyway worthfull to come this far. Ram were trying to go ahead but locals told there is no way furthur road is blocked due to snow.
         We stopped and done the paragliding which earlier ram was not ready to do so. But finally he did.
.  Later we made frds with rinkoo the guy who arranged the paragliding for us. He told that we can do skiing in the morning around 8 as we were planning to leave manali in morning. He showed us one beautiful, shortcut (bad road) for manali which was really helpful for bike riders

        Later came back to manali nearly 6 was on clock. We decided to watch "My name is khan". We had dinner and taken some rest in hotel. At 9 we reached at mall to watch movie. Movie started ok and in interval as expacted on rash thing happened. Some local couple were on seats infront of us. Ram tried to take out his mobile from his jeans pocket and his shoe hit the seat back infront of him. And this lady sitting on that seat got rash. This i tried to make her quiet but things went wrong. Not only wrong way wrong too much. His mate got angry for various reasons (might be for talibans also but i have no clue). Locals also came in support of those couple. Justg because of this i think "chadyaan di joon buri". It's an punjabi saying which means bachelorhood is worst. One uncle grabbed my collar and dragged my out of hall. I was in shock all was happening so fast. Ram was asking everyone to stop it but i was not i mood to avoid the collar drag.

      Later somehow uncle who grabbed my collar taken me with him to lower level to watch the movie infact he seated next to us and watched  movie along us. He was actually protacting us. from thos locals who were in chance to take some cheap advantage in there city and in eyes of there girls. Later in end of movie uncle again dragged me by holding my hand with him towards his car. Ram also approached me uncle dropped us to our hotel for avoiding the problems which could have happened. Thanks a lot uncle.

      Next day in morning ram was not in mood to go for skiing but he got ready some how. We headed towards skiing aread and called rinkoo to be ready there. We reached to shortcut rickoo was already there to help us to reach skiing area. We reached there and done skiing. Nice experience

. Later head back on our long and boring jouney to back to chandigarh. We started around 11 in morning and reached chandigarh at 9:30 in night. After mandi full journey was very boring. but over all total trip was great...


  1. Certainly, It was great and I wish I could make it with u. :)
    Better luck next time..

  2. Buddy, Nice pics. Did you try local cuisines? And being a friend, I would say honestly - Please work on your language. Your thought flow is pretty cool. Just frame it properly please.
