Friday, June 12, 2009

Tracking ip using email, tracking email

Hi All,
Actually today when i was chatting to one of friend i got one request from to add as friend at Gtalk. I accepted that And then started i got some nude images from that XYZ. Now when i was getting these mails i was thinking to figure out who (s)he is ???

i tried to check the mail header but as everyone knows that google removes the sender information from the mail header so hopefully i didn't find any thing useful there. Now the real mystery begins but after one minute thinking i got fairly simple idea. i have one server for there i kept one image and then i embedded the link of that image in my email and sent to the and bingo!!! as soon as that fellow opened the mail i got the IP on my server's Access log and i know with whome i am dealing with. :)

One can get the server access log location at win server using following steps:-

1. type %SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv\iis.msc in run box
2. then right click on default website
3. then at website tab check the enable logging option
4. then click on the properties in that option. which will open a new dialouge.
5. now in this new dialouge box one can see the log path. and just below the path log file name is also provided.

Now once you got the current log file open that

#Software: Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.1
#Version: 1.0
#Date: 2009-01-29 20:25:04
#Fields: time c-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem sc-status
20:25:04 GET /images/12n2ous7jwh9x16dfo51.jpg 404
20:25:04 GET /images/usgeacviq89qexvvu3gd.jpg 404

here i have as IP but once user open the mail you will get that same ip in log.


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