Friday, June 12, 2009

Checking camera used for clicking image

Hi all,

Two days back i was in discussion with one of my frd that how to confirm when image was taken which camera was used for clicking that image. After one hour of search i was able to find out some easy ways to do so. Actually this information for which we are looking for is stored in the image at metadata part and called Exif data for the image. Now a days this information is kept in the images from nearly all cameras in world. One can use following link for getting that info from images [For online check] [For checking on desktop]

viewing this information is much easier in WinXP Without using any extra software. Check screen shot given below

Ok there are some other ways also with even using any specific software. One can open the file with notepad or anyother file openning software. And by reading some specific locations which were easily indentified by vieweing them. just have a look on below image as understanding depends on computer knowledge i left it on you. which mode you choose to open the file. yellow ring tell camera make. red ring tells camera model and pink rectangle tells the date image is taken.


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