Monday, October 20, 2008

Airport Hassle

I was at airport on 17th Oct [2008] and looking out of window of airplane. I was looking at the kingfisher cabs roaming around the plane. suddenly i recalled a very nice incident of mine, one of an airport trip. I was coming back from my cousin's marriage to Bangalore. i had a hectic schedule for his marriage. For two days i couldn't get a proper sleep and i was totally rest less. I reached at airport around 3:30 AM to catch my flight from Delhi to Bangalore on 5:00 AM. I collected my boarding pass and moved in at boarding area. it was about an hour for my flight, so i started reading newspaper. My eyes were burning because of restlessness so just for sake of giving them some rest i closed my eyes. Suddenly because of some announcements i opened my eyes. There was an announcement for some passenger who is still not on board for his flight. I started cursing people like these who cause flight delay like this and make trouble for others. Same time i looked at my watch and i was shocked it's 6:30 AM and i had a flight on 5 AM. I had missed my flight. Suddenly from angry mode i came to sad mode. Just now i have wasted Rs. 5K. I started thinking what should i do now.

While i was thinking about what to do next after missing the flight I paid attention on announcement. it was about my flight and those fellows were calling my name. Hurra !.. i picked up my baggage and started running towards the runway entry. As soon as i reached there i saw two eyes staring at me like i am a waste fellow who is causing delay for others. :) what big deal if one airplane is waiting for me. They called cab to board me on plane. I started feeling like prince who was getting a royal treatment. People are waiting for me and i was getting treated very nicely.

All this day dreaming ends when i boarded on plane and come to know plane was delayed because of fog not because of me. They were giving just a formal announcement before takeoff and luckily i woke up. :)

When i finished this recalling moment, person sitting next to me was amused why i am smiling without reason and i kept on smiling leaving him guessing.


  1. while i was reading i was wondering how come any plane can wait for someone for 1 and half an hour.. and the people how much patience they should have..

  2. ha ha... intrestin n funny.. :P

    ya.. u r rite..u got the royal treatment. :D

    hats off 2 u..nt xactly 2 dem :D

  3. I had had a vic-o-vic incident on B'lore HAL Airport
