Sunday, November 29, 2009

Windows Folder Size 9.10 GB


Windows strikes again. Today i noticed my system doesn't have any space left to save even a zip of pictures from internet. After a slight investigation i was sure that windows is doing something goofy stuff. My system's C:\Windows folder was taking 9.10 GB of HDD space. After 30 minutes i am able to reduce it to 5 GB which is still big but i can live with it right now.

So following are the step which might help other also. Deleting the folders can safe space but do it on your own risk as it can lead you from no turning back stage

1. Delete "C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Installations"
2. Delete "C:\Windows\$NtUninstall*****" folders These folders are hidden...
3. Delete "C:\Windows\$hf_mig$"
4. Check for file "C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP" if present delete.
5. Delete "C:\Windows\Prefetch"

I had to check now another folder called C:\Windows\Installer this folder holds the unistallation files of application you install on your computer. But if you manually delete the applications then MBs of space is occupied by uninstallation files will remain in this folder for eternity. just use following command if you have installed the window installer cleap up utility already other wise install. After installation go to programfiles folder and in there you will get Windows Installer Clean Up folder. In that there is a command line tool which can be used to remove orphan uninstallation files from C:\Windows\Installer. Type the command given on command prompt once you are in same directory on command prompt.

C:\Program Files\Windows Installer Clean Up>MsiZap.exe G!

this command will helped me free 100s of MB space on my disk.

Following are few more thing which helped me to gain 6GB space from 4GB. I stopped the restore points. Use Control Panel, System, System Restore. After this i moved page file as system managed from a high value saved by me last year when i had enough space.  :) hehehehe

Ok now i have enough space to happily write this blog... Hope this help others also..


  1. kewl... bt $hf_mig$ is a bit risky!

  2. No risk no gain..... anyway if your computer is working fine in last 1 or 2 weeks then there is no harm in deleting that folder as it's only microsoft update uninstall files which u might not need if your computer is running fine :)
