Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Another Glorious day of my life

Wednessday, 20th August 2008

As soos as the day started it started to spread it's glory on me [Now i thanks god for starting this particular day late with 10:30 AM wake up]. i found my mobile is dead as there is not charge sooner i checked this my heart told there is some thing about the day. i found there is no clean cloth in my wardrobe so i have to manage with cloths i already sported one day. as i was late to office so started to be ready for office in hurry. left for office around 11:00 AM. after 500 Meter ride i realized i left my wallet at home. as usually i don't need my wallet so i decided to move on for office as i am getting late. after 2 KM i reached to the forum to diary circle road here was a big traffic jam. i started cursing the fellows who started the jam because of wrong traffic sense [later i realized it was whole because of me as my day was great]. anyway after 5 min struggle i crossed dairy circle flyover and moved towards office. i hardly covered 2 KM traffic cop ask me to pull over. I parked my bike with full fear as i come to know i am in big trouble, my licence and emission test paper was in my wallet. Anyway i tried to ask cop that i forgotten my wallet and these docs are in there he asked me to show the bike papers i shown those to cop and bingo !!!! my insurance for bike is expired i have to pay for this blunder now. anyway cop told me the sum of 1000 Rs for all these missing papers so only one thing can save my money now is go home and get as much as papers i can. so they shown me way towards auto. Autowaala looked at me like dog look at meat. as closer as i was coming to him he gettig that much happy. i didn't realized why but i sensed this. when the distance was 20 Feet he started his auto and run aways bloody hell why it's happening ????

Anyway i recovered from this shock sooner then i expect and started chasing other autos but see the glory of the day i found 100s of full auto none of vacant auto. after walking 2 KM and looking for auto i reached to the dairy circle here one autowaala was resting i asked him to come with me he asked for 200 Rs bucks only for 10 KM ride. i was shocked again. and i decided to move ahead without auto. after walking one more kilometer i was in fornt on a IT comp. there i found one auto who was vacant and i just run for 10 meter to get him as he just started his auto when i ask him to stop. i asked will he give me ride we asked "vehicle hai wahan par" i said yes. so he said no i will not take you there i asked why he told no waiting.. then i understood he was asking "waiting hai wahan par". i told him i just have get my wallet and have to come back. he agreed and finally after tedious 3 KM with paining leg [history of paining leg is we played cricket in recent weekend and we did this after an year]. finally i reached at home after this much happening. i found my wallet is missing i searched for full home but no luck. then i called my Jr. cum room partner who might have know where my wallet is ? he told last night you carried your wallet to phone shop. i recalled i might have putten that in my jeans i was sporting last night. i checked and bingoo !!! again i got my wallet after 5 min of search. now i collected all papers and came out of home. autowaala was waiting luckily but he scolded me for holding him on wait. After this all he took my back and in middle of way to traffic cop. few guys just jumped infront of auto they pulled out the key of auto and started scolding my autowaala and me in Kannada [native language of karnataka] i was surprized why it's happening but innerself i was aware it's the glory and beauty of the day. sooner i come to know there is auto strike in bangalore today. and my autowaala somehow managed to escape from there. he dropped me at traffic cop place and asked me for some ammount which was greater than fare but not very much so i paid that and move towards cops. And glory flashed again till the moment i reach there all the cops were moved from there only my bike with few other bikes were parked there but no one was there. i was having no clue where to go where to get key for my bike. after some 10 minute one traffic cop was walking towards me i got some light in my eyes. i asked him to raise a ticket for no isurance but he asked if i want to manage without ticket but i insisted on paying fine instead of bribe. after paying fine i was not happy but was in pride was feeling stupid but feeling no guilt. after this all i guess day has taken it's toll. so might be nothing will happen in rest of the day..

i have already reached to the office. small things are happening like already compiled code is throwing error but nothing major so i hope glory of the day is ended now.

Wow what was the day.. i have many days like this but from last week onward i will write down these here.. for remembrance


  1. Good Going........
    Keep writing ur adventures.
    I must give a title for all ur experiences 'The Adventures of Mannu'.

  2. Really a messy day....

    But you dint look so when u entered office..... Cooly sipping coffee as if the day had been just fine...

    Good going....

  3. i was cool because now i had many days like this so these things bother me little

  4. I think you are the most free person in the universe :).

  5. no few more are there like you shivendraaaa
