Now a days nearly every Indian is talking about corruption. either remove it or preserve it :)
Anna hazare is portraited as new generation's Gandhi and this is what he deserve. He is my hero. But i will not spend my time on what's happening because media is already covering that. I will share my experience about corruption and how my frd circle react about it. How they feel about this against corruption campaign.
I have seen few supporting the campaign virtually i mean they stayed in there home or office. Clicked links on web page or given a miss call. If they wanted to do more they joined the local groups for supporting the campaign. I respect it and i think at least something is done. But this doesn't make me comfortable that corruption will be gone from my nation.
This is something which is very similar to freedom fight of India. When everybody joined hand in hand against East India Company. That was the time no one care how much they need to suffer in order to get the freedom. But it is the case in my Nation right now ? Are we ready to suffer in order to clean our nation from corruption ?
I am not negative person please do think i don't support current campaign. I have done this virtually and yes i have not done anything else for this campaign. Now one can say then why writing so much when you are also not better than anyone else. But as i am free to think about my country i am free to write about what i think i happening around me.
Some of my friends are still not convince that something gonna happen. For that same reason they are ignoring this campaign fully but i am not in that group i grab every possible opportunity to do my bit. But what i do is not important. Important is what whole nation does.
I agree a single person "Anna Hazare" made the difference. But think about a single person stopped paying bribe in my current nation what will happen. Yes he will be screwed royally. Starting something and getting media's attention is not tough now a days. Forcing government to listen you is tough. But the toughest thing is to clean the building blocks of a nation and that's US.
Now i am leaving this post unfinished because after this every individual has to write by his own self. What their thought, what they want to do and how they will clean their nation.
Anna hazare is portraited as new generation's Gandhi and this is what he deserve. He is my hero. But i will not spend my time on what's happening because media is already covering that. I will share my experience about corruption and how my frd circle react about it. How they feel about this against corruption campaign.
I have seen few supporting the campaign virtually i mean they stayed in there home or office. Clicked links on web page or given a miss call. If they wanted to do more they joined the local groups for supporting the campaign. I respect it and i think at least something is done. But this doesn't make me comfortable that corruption will be gone from my nation.
This is something which is very similar to freedom fight of India. When everybody joined hand in hand against East India Company. That was the time no one care how much they need to suffer in order to get the freedom. But it is the case in my Nation right now ? Are we ready to suffer in order to clean our nation from corruption ?
I am not negative person please do think i don't support current campaign. I have done this virtually and yes i have not done anything else for this campaign. Now one can say then why writing so much when you are also not better than anyone else. But as i am free to think about my country i am free to write about what i think i happening around me.
Some of my friends are still not convince that something gonna happen. For that same reason they are ignoring this campaign fully but i am not in that group i grab every possible opportunity to do my bit. But what i do is not important. Important is what whole nation does.
I agree a single person "Anna Hazare" made the difference. But think about a single person stopped paying bribe in my current nation what will happen. Yes he will be screwed royally. Starting something and getting media's attention is not tough now a days. Forcing government to listen you is tough. But the toughest thing is to clean the building blocks of a nation and that's US.
Now i am leaving this post unfinished because after this every individual has to write by his own self. What their thought, what they want to do and how they will clean their nation.