Saturday, April 17, 2010

The jail and Poseidon's place

It's nearly 12:00 am and I am in The Jail... Yes, it doesn't come as a surprise to me that i am in The Jail; though you might wonder about it. I always knew this day will come someday but I never expected it to come so soon. I was accompanied to Jail by 3 of my friends - mohit, atul and abhishek. While sitting in there, I recalled the time when once i asked a small-shop keeper "Bhai jail kaise jaate hain ??" and he replied to me "bahut aasan hai, kisi ka khoon kar do". And I told him "Kuch tod-phod par bhi jail ho jaati hai na, lekin mujhe to jail jaana hai".

Oh, I guess by now you people might have guessed it. If no, then let me enlighten you that 'The Jail' is a place here in mumbai to eat and drink. This place has theme of Jail, waiters are dressed as convicts, Managers are dressed as cops. Overall, a nice place to visit. Later I managed to come back to home around 1:30 am and slept around 4:00 am.

While sleeping i felt something was scratching my feet. At first I felt it's a mouse or something else. I opened my eyes just enough to grab a glimpse of what's there on my foot. But i had to open them wide enough to grab full view of Vivek (my roomie cum college Junior). I tried an unsuccessful attempt to go back to the sleep after letting him that I wanted to sleep (I think it's was around 7 am).

But he said it's serious and he made a blunder. It was time to pay attention, obviously, when he woke me up in morning there would be a good reason to grab my attention is such wee hours. I thought, It better be. I jumped from the bed to talk to him with all of my attention but holy god, what was that? I was in Poseidon's place!!! Everywhere was water (let me stop for a moment and tell you that the flat we live in, is on 2nd floor). This discarded the possibility of flood at once. I asked him few questions which he answered without delay. I was informed about a tap of our kitchen which was left opened when water supply was not there. That bloody f***ing tap !!

And to get you guys some extra but relevant information : there is a 1500/- fine in our society over water lodging + some 1000/- plumbing charges. So taking these things in consideration my roomie looked a bit tensed. By now I was rolling my eyes on the surroundings which included my newly bought desktop cabinet which was on the floor in nearly 3' water with the home theater lying beside it. Suddenly I got the chance to look on the black thing in my roomie's hand it was my 5 years old laptop dripping the water line. It was enough to stop looking for the losses. I tried to look stable than angry to avoid increasing the tension around. While, Vivek tried to avoid it unsuccessfully by letting me know that water was flowing out of flat.

After analyzing the situation I was in the action mode. I had to start doing something to show myself that situation can be controlled and it's progressing. I asked him to grab a clothe and start pushing water in bathroom. While, he was doing this I went to the kitchen and opened the choked sink by removing the plate covering the vent. This gave me a bit relief that something was happening to smooth our pains. When i joined him back to guide water-flow towards bathroom. We had a small discussion about getting wiper which was ruled out by me within nano-second by considering there was no way we could get one in morning 7'O clock.

I used my bathroom sleepers to join the rescue mission and used them as wiper. Which worked quiet well. Being an Engg. it's the benefit, I guess. Within next few minutes, water level was reduced and to confirm it I asked him to check if water had stopped flowing outside the flat. He nodded in a 'Yes'. I asked him to use my hand made wiper which he refused to use within less than 30 second after giving it a shot as he was not able to use that. But he kept pushing the water with the cloth he was using earlier. I pushed water to the toilet with my self-made instrument. After some time I asked him to use the cloth to soak the water and then rinse that in bucket. And then we came back to the living room where I found that every thing which was lying on the floor was flooded by then and most of the papers ( including my schooling and degree certificates) were drenched.

I was not angry at all, I don't know why but I was laughing. I was laughing for no reason for next few minutes and then I came back to the work of getting water using towel soaking and rinsing in bucket with him. Within 1:30 hour we cleared the water from flat. And without saying even a single word we both went back to sleep as we were too tired to discuss anything.....

P.S. Desktop got saved because motherboard was high enough inside the cabinet to avoid water. Laptop and home theater are still in getting dry. Certificates are not so damaged as we thought at first.
Thanks to @Viveky for doing some editing on a short notice :)