Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bungee Jump Recall

Today i was going through my some of the old videos. There i found this kewl bungee jump video i did last year in january. And here i am back with some logging of my old memories.

This recalled me some of the nice and bad memories of my thailand holidays with bro anupam. Bad memory first as i want to get those over fast. Just before the jump i had a sheer argument with my bro which spoiled the mood which is refelected throughout the video.

When reached there mood was totally spoiled but thanks to the god i didn't dropped the idea of jump. Later instructor took my weight. One of my frd asked can over-weight people perform bungee jump (she thought she is over-weight but she wasn't, how < 60 Kg considered as over-weight). So here is the info for age and weight criteria for bungee jump. 45 kg to 110 kg and minimum 10 year of age is required for bungee jump. With this specification any healthy human can do the bungee jump with a little courage.

Ok later instructor kept some foam padding on my legs to avoid rashes. tied the hook having rope at one end with the padding at my feet. After this i have jump like frog to reach on the plateform from which i have to jump. From this point onwards you can see the video. In video one can see i am trying hard to smile and trying to communicate with instrucator cum video grapher. His name was 'A'. After 1:42 minutes A asked me to come to edge of plateform and jump from there. Here i am telling you the truth the point i reached to the edge i got scared. Even i knew i am not going to die i have all the safety measures. I am not going to jump on hard earth surface there is a pond just below the plateform. But this all was not enough my mind was telling me to jump but hands was not letting it go. My hands just got firm on the grip of railling of plateform. By this time 'A' started conviencing me for the jump. But it took full 40 Seconds to convience my self for the jump. And let me tell you as soon as i jump i was a level above from what i was before the jump. I have broken a specific barriar in my mind related to fear to doing something unusual.

Enjoy the video
